Privacy Policy
Knikni Studio

Knikni Studio Privacy Policy - creating Stop Motion animation
Knikni Studio Privacy Policy (In matters of General Data Protection Regulation /GDPR/)

Knikni Studio represented by director Maryana Rudakova fully respects the right to privacy of the Users of the website and guarantees them the right of choice regarding the disclosure of information that concerns them.
We ensure that the personal data protection procedures applicable in Knikni Studio meet the highest security standards and are fully compliant with the applicable provisions of Polish and European Union law.
We would like to kindly inform you that as of May 25, 2018, Knikni Studio has implemented requirements for the processing of personal data set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC.
Performing the obligation described in art. 13 GDPR, we attach information regarding the processing of your personal data:
• Who is the Administrator of your personal data?
The administrator of your personal data is the Knikni Studio, based in Warsaw 02-777, Cynamonowa street, represented by the Director Maryana Rudakova

In the matter of protection of personal data, you can contact the Administrator via the personal data protection officer by e-mail:;

• For what purpose and on what legal basis do we use your personal data?
We will use your personal data in order to: send industry news about the presence of Polish animation in the country and around the world, in case of your consent to the use of data for this purpose (legal basis – Article 6 paragraph 1 GDPR)

• How long will we use the data?
We will use the data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose described above, i.e. the moment of withdrawal of consent.

• What rights do you have?
a) the right to access personal data;
b) the right to request rectification (correction) of personal data – if the data is incorrect or incomplete;
c) the right to request the deletion of personal data (the so-called right to be forgotten) – in case where:
– the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed,
– the data subject has objected to the processing of personal data,
– personal data are processed unlawfully,
– personal data must be removed in order to comply with the legal obligation;
d) the right to demand limiting the processing of personal data – if:
– the data subject questions the correctness of personal data,
– the processing of data is unlawful and the data subject opposes the deletion of data, demanding their limitation instead,
– The administrator no longer needs data for his purposes, but the data subject needs them to identify, defend or pursue claims,
– the data subject has objected to the processing of the data, pending determination of whether the legitimate grounds on the part of the controller are overriding the grounds of objection;
e) the right to data transfer – if the following conditions are jointly met:
– the data are processed on the basis of an agreement concluded with the data subject or on the basis of the consent expressed by that person,
– processing takes place in an automated manner;
f) the right to object to data processing.

In the matter of implementing the rights, you can contact the data protection inspector at the e-mail address provided in point 1;
You also have the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if you believe that the Administrator (Knikni Studio) has violated the provisions on the protection of personal data;
The consent granted for the processing of personal data may be withdrawn at any time.

• To whom do we transfer your data?
While maintaining all data security guarantees, your data may be provided to: entities authorized to receive personal data on the basis of legal provisions, service providers supplying the Administrator with IT solutions that enable the contract to be performed.
Personal data will not be transferred to third countries;
Personal data is not subject to automated decision making, including profiling.
The administrator makes every effort to provide the most effective technical means and organizational protection of personal data against accidental or intentional destruction, accidental loss, change, unauthorized disclosure, use or access in accordance with applicable law.
Legal Reservations
• Any correspondence received by Knikni Studio that contains defamatory, threatening, offensive, obscene, or otherwise illegal content or any information that could be harmful to the image and interests of Knikni Studio can be made public and reported to the authorities for prosecution.

• Any use, whole or partial, of materials published on the website that are subject to protection under copyright laws, including articles, photographs and video recordings, requires prior written consent from Knikni Studio.

• To comply with the amended Telecommunications Law, we would like to inform all users that the website of Knikni Studio uses cookie data files. By using the website without altering your browser settings, you agree to receive these data files. You can change cookie settings in your web browser at any time.
About cookies
Cookies are small text files that are sent by a web server and stored on the user’s computer (or other web-connected device). The website uses cookies to recognize users’ personal preferences and login details.
Cookies used by the website allow to recognize the user’s computer in future visits, and are only intended to make the site work better for each user.
The website uses cookies and allows third-party cookies (Google Analytics), which are used for statistical purposes.
All users can decide whether they want cookie files to be stored on their computers or mobile devices. Cookies can be disabled or blocked altogether by changing web browser settings or selecting the appropriate security level in firewall software. Users can also delete previously stored cookies from their computers and block the Google Analytics service. Please note that disabling cookies may result in reduced functionality of our website.